The first electronic computers were developed during the World War II, with the earliest of those being the Colossus. The Colossus was developed to decrypt secret German codes during the war. It used vacuum tubes and paper tape and could perform a number of Boolean
Electronic device is an overarching term that refers to a hardware whose function is to control the flow of electrical energy for the purpose of processing information or controlling a system. Examples of these devices include computers, mobile devices, and smart televisions.
A computer system is an electronic device but not all electronic devices are computer systems. Computers, for the most part, have basic components that allow them to process logic and requests. They must have power and a processor, and for typical computers like we use everyday, some sort of memory and storage.
Based on the types and size of the device, these digital computers are divided into 4 types namely Micro computer, Mini computer, Mainframe computer, and Supercomputer.