Rich and Rich Home Opportunities is an umbrella company for three other companies. Rich and Rich Home Opportunies is owned by Desiree Richardson (McGinty) who is the CEO. Rich and Rich Entrepreneurs is the first company that is under Rich and Rich Home Opportunities. The mission of Rich and Rich Entrepreneurs is to promote businesses, startup, direct sales, and affiliate marketing entrepreneurs.
Rich and Rich Entrepreneurs has 20 current vacant advertising slots. The slots are on the main page and display on every page of the website. We also have a fashion blog that is called Fashion Traffic and we offer 20 advertising slots on that website also. More advertising slots will be offered on other websites later on down the line. The slots are 125 x 125 and the business must match the blog content, which means fashion needs to be on the fashion blog. However, a web designer could advertise on both or multiple websites.
The next company that falls under Rich and Rich Entrepreneurs is Co-op Advertising. Co-op Advertising is a way to pool advertising dollars among members to get more publicity in national magazines, commercials, and more. We are also introducting our Co-op Advertisng eBook that discusses co-op advertisng examples and ways to develop and effective business.
The last company under Rich and Rich Home Opportunities is Rich and Rich International Institute which focusing on consulting. Our consulting business will focus on training future entrepreneurs on affiliate marketing, website design, and social networking. Alot of offline time will be devoted which will be offered in groups and individually online in groups or individually.
All website will be marketed personally by the CEO Desiree Richardson (McGinty). Promotion will be on Blog Talk Radio, YouTube, Squidoo, Wordpress, Blogs, Ezines, Press Releases, Classifieds, and offline via our new